Step outside of what defines limits burdens distracts you.
Through the ups and downs of life, our journey is marked by the steps we take and the path we choose. The Sole Path guides individuals to embrace their unique path and make purposeful choices as they navigate the challenges that clutter their path.
Step outside of what defines limits burdens distracts you.
Through the ups and downs of life, our journey is marked by the steps we take and the path we choose. The Sole Path guides individuals to embrace their unique path and make purposeful choices as they navigate the challenges that clutter their path.
Step outside of what defines you.
The Sole Path guides individuals to embrace their unique path and make purposeful choices as they navigate the challenges that clutter their path.
Join us as we explore life and learn the skills to see clearly.
We believe that the first step we take determines our path. The second step determines our intention. Where will your soles take you?
Join us as we explore life and learn the skills to see clearly.
We believe that the first step we take determines our path. The second step determines our intention. Where will your soles take you?
Hi, I'm Alan Smith
Welcome to the Sole Path
Alan Smith is a life coach, world traveler, public speaker, real estate agent and collector of great shoes. He founded The Sole Path to offer guidance to individuals and couples as they navigate the difficulties and transitions of life. As a coach and public speaker, Alan incorporates shamanic ideals in a contemporary format as a tool for personal healing and guidance.

With almost 30 years of experience teaching audiences about connecting to their authentic self, Alan provides a unique experience that guides people to see who they truly are, and how they can escape the stories and labels that keep them stuck.
Audiences leave with a clear understanding of how to shed the faulty lenses that cloud their perceptions and replace them with clear vision to achieve personal fulfillment.

Learning to see differently
Our eyesight can change over time, dulling colors and blurring edges from sharp and crisp to fuzzy and obscure.
I got my first pair of glasses when I was ten years old. Wanting to show them off I went to the neighbors house. Walking into the kitchen I realized that the green stripes on the wallpaper were actually delicate woven vines. This was my first experience in understanding how perceptions can change.
For anyone who has worn glasses or contacts to correct your vision you know how annoying they can be. Glasses are especially prone to pick up every speck of dust, fingerprint or smudge. Initially it isn’t obvious because the motes of dust are small. But as we collect more it begins to obscure our vision.
The same happens with the stories and labels we collect over our lifetime. Each life experience we have adds another layer of meaning to the lenses we look at life through.
Watch My Reel
The second step
What is your intention?
Embarking on the journey to uncover the simplicity that life can offer is a profound experience, filled with twists, turns, challenges, and triumphs. As a life coach, world traveler, public speaker, and collector of shoes, I find inspiration in the significance of the paths we’ve walked and the meaning we have attached to each of those experiences.
In this exploration, we’ll delve into the opportunity to create space by shedding what no longer serves your highest and best good, embracing the power that you already possess, accomplishing what you thought to be impossible, and seeing all that is available from a higher perspective. Drawing attention to the choices we each make and how those choices direct our trajectory along the current path we travel, we will learn to make new choices to direct our steps onto the paths we now see more clearly